third-party cookie delay

Google farewell party for third-party cookies extends to 2025

Ready… set… WAIT! Google has announced the delay of the end of third-party cookies that was scheduled for the second half of Q4 2024.



It’s no surprise that Google hits the “Snooze” button once again. After all, this is the third time that the countdown to disable these cookies in Chrome has been changed.

Publishers and advertisers now must wait until 2025.


Why is the end of third-party cookies delayed?


Google’s been stuck in the cookie jar, since the decision to postpone the cookie deprecation hasn’t been entirely up to them.

The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is stepping in and saying, “Hang on a minute, Google!

In a recent update, the delay in implementing changes was attributed to UK regulations. The post highlighted,

” We recognize that there are ongoing challenges related to reconciling divergent feedback from the industry, regulators and developers, and will continue to engage closely with the entire ecosystem. It’s also critical that the CMA has sufficient time to review all evidence including results from industry tests, which the CMA has asked market participants to provide by the end of June. Given both of these significant considerations, we will not complete third-party cookie deprecation during the second half of Q4.”

Long story short: Google can’t stop third-party cookies without CMA’s approval.


Ensuring Smooth Privacy Transition


Besides this roller coaster of plans, it’s important that Google listen to everyone’s thoughts and concerns before making any big privacy changes to Chrome.

Our CSO, Robin de Wit, stated:

‘Regarding the recent Google announcement about delaying the cookie deprecation, it should not come as a surprise to most in the industry since it’s not the first time. But considering that the latest phase out was planned for Q4 and we are dealing with delicate systems, it’s best to be sure that the transition to cookieless is as smooth as possible”.


The end of third-party cookies. What should you do now?


The elimination of third-party cookies has been postponed but a cookieless world is inevitable, so publishers and advertisers, be prepared.

Worried about how this can affect your website traffic and ad revenue?👋 Skontaktuj się z nami and get help from a Google Certified Publishing Partner!

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