Monetize App SDK

App monetization as easy and flexible as web monetization

All-in-One SDK: Premium Header Bidding, CMP and flexible positioning! Update-free App monetization SDK

Implementing a mobile Ad SDK should be painless!

The Monetize App SDK has been created with a unique purpose: to make app monetization as easy and flexible as web monetization, solving the most common problems App developers and publishers' encounter

custom ad formats

All-in-one Ad Monetization

Maximize revenue with a single SDK! Connect to header bidding with 25+ premium demand sources including Amazon and Google Ad Manager!

Performance Dashboard

Providing insights and revenue optimization opportunities!

monetize apps sdk

No More App Updates Required

Roll out ad positioning optimizations without having to update the App. No more deployments or users with outdated versions!

brand safety image

Fully GDPR Compliant CMP

Leverage our premium CMP for free!

att monetarisera annonser
att monetarisera annonser
att monetarisera annonser

App Monetization made as easy as web monetization

Modersmålstalande App Header Bidding solution is connected to Ad Manager and Prebid Server Premium.

Make the most out of your App’s ads with:

  • Display with Auto Refresh technology
  • Image and Video Interstitials with skipping or close buttons
  • Outstream ads
  • Rewarded Ads
  • Infinite Scroll 

Our tech team will guide you throughout the implementation and onboarding process, with you from the start! You will also be provided with all the documentation you require.

You won’t need to add untrusted sources of libraries. We use standard repositories with quality controls that ensure your code is secure.

We are currently working hard to include React and Unity.

Let monetization of your Apps go through the roof!

Unleash our premium and programmatic demand partners.

website ad monetization technology single tag

Spänd på att monetarisera dina annonser i dubbla hastigheten? Räkna till tre…

Kontakta oss

We will check out your apps, and once approved we´ll get back to you with everything you need to implement the App SDK.

Choose your type of implementation

Do it your way! Choose from doing our Single Tag, for a streamlined setup, or a Manual implementation.

Börja tjäna pengar

Vi kopplar upp din webbplats, optimerar din annonsuppsättning, ger realtidsfeedback och erbjuder en instrumentpanel för att övervaka prestanda med månadsvisa utbetalningar.

For Developers, By Developers

Get in touch with part of the tech team involved!




Tech Lead



att monetarisera annonser

Ad monetization doubts? Ask away.

Hit us up! We promise to answer you within 24 hours on business days!

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