- Best Ad Tech to monetize ads:
– Access 25+ programmatic & premium demand sources ensuring your revenue growth.
– With Ad Refresh tech & Dynamic SSP allocation you won’t lose any business opportunity, ever!
– Geo Tag optimizes traffic by country.
- Heltäckande Personlig Service
– Our native-speaking Account Managers help you every step of the way.
– The Refinery Chrome plug-in Identifierar snabbt annonser som behöver uppmärksamhet.
Snabb, expertassistans: <12h svarstid och <48h problemlösning.
- Deep Data insights
– You get your own dashboard with all the info regarding ad’s performance and revenue.
– We continuously monitor and adjust your ads based on performance data. We conduct A/B testing of different ad placements, fine tuning different demand sources, adjusting floor prices, and optimizing for viewability and click-through rates.
– Your site, your rules, your results!